Tories Saved By Corrupt Press

Our comedy Foreign Secretary, London’s formerly very occasional Mayor Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson, was shown yesterday to have fouled up big time in making statements about the Salisbury poisoning which were not true. The nerve agent used in the attack was not confirmed by Porton Down as being manufactured in Russia. Bozza claimed it had been. For him, dishonesty comes naturally. Hence his being unfit for the job.
She's too weak and indecisive to act ...

But Theresa May is too weak to sack the SOB. And so began the exercise in framing the whole affair as another way to kick Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn. Yes, really. How could that be achieved? Watch and learn, as they say.
... despite his witless foul-up, so ...

Step 1: Bozza fights back on Twitter. “It is lamentable that Jeremy Corbyn is now playing Russia’s game and trying to discredit the UK over Salisbury attack. Let’s remember the key facts: 1) Porton Down identified nerve agent as military grade Novichok; 2) Russia has investigated delivering nerve agents, likely for assassination, & as part of this programme has produced and stockpiled small quantities of Novichoks; 3) Russia has motive for targeting Sergei Skripal. 28 other countries have been so convinced by UK case they have expelled Russians. In contrast, Jeremy Corbyn chooses to side with the Russian spin machine”. Did Jezza side with Russia? No, but that was now the line to take.
Step 2: the perpetually thirsty Paul Staines and his rabble at the Guido Fawkes blog write up Bozza’s rant, stressing that Jezza is the one Wot Done It. Under the headlineCorbyn Parrots Kremlin Line”, teaboy Alex “Billy Liar” Wickham tells “Corbyn’s Twitter outriders Aaron Bastani and Alex Nunns are tweeting out conspiracy theorist Craig Murray’s Kremlin lines to take. The government spin failure today should not detract from the fact that Russia still did it and Corbyn is actively siding with the Kremlin”.
Bastani and Nunns are “Twitter outriders”? No. Just no. But the sub-boot boy division of the Murdoch press had done its job. All that was now needed was for the Super Soaraway Currant Bun to amplify the message. To divert attention from the BBC and Guardian.
Step 3: today’s Sun editorial tellsThose who gave Putin his PR victory over the Salisbury spy poisoning attack should be ashamed as we need to stay on the front foot … The journalists who hyped up the Porton Down 'story' and Twitter's Corbynite conspiracy morons have embarrassed us”. Yeah, they done it! And who else was responsible?
Corbyn and his fellow Kremlin stooges on Labour’s front bench. And Twitter’s Corbynite conspiracy morons who help Russian sites and bots spread every sliver of anti-West or anti-Tory propaganda … Corbyn wants ‘proof’. What, exactly? A confession signed by Putin in blood? We doubt even that would satisfy him”.
... he rides (or maybe waddles) to the rescue ...

What happened to Bozza? Just one mention of “The Foreign Secretary”. No mention of the B-word. He’s in the clear. The lying is glossed over. “Look over there” succeeds again.
... because she's got the Tories' backs

And that, folks, is why Theresa May cut her deal with the right-wing press. No Section 40, no Leveson Part 2, and in return all those little local difficulties will be taken care of. The downside is that the little people keep getting screwed over, but hey ho.

Another day in the continuing saga of corruption and power. I’ll just leave that one there.

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