Bill Nye: the freaky-deaky sexual perversity propagandist guy?

Bill Nye became known to most American schoolchildren of the '90s as "The Science Guy," a lovable, bowtied eccentric who would entertainingly display various scientific principles, like, say, friction, or gravity, or electricity, or other generally unquestioned factual phenomena.
Today, of course, Nye has become tragically politicized, having morphed into the "The Scientism Enforcer Guy," establishment stooge and upholder of official dogma like global cooling, erm, global warming, erm "climate change" ("yeah, that's the ticket") against skeptics, critics, and so-called "denialists." 

But he hasn't stopped there. In his latest Netflix show, "Bill Nye Saves the World," it would appear that Nye has now become "The Perversity Propagandist Guy," all in the name of, uh, "science"?

Anyhow, words ultimately fail in the face of sheer horror.... Watch this excerpt, if you dare, featuring the rapping "talents" of actress Rachel Bloom doing her best to lecture her audience about polymorphous perversity, or something, while making copious references to her vagina (but of course). Eventually some fruity, lisping nerd joins in and helps her finish out her horrifically unfunny paean to sexual dimorphism, or pansexuality, or gender fluidity, or something.

Um, so... Day of the Rope... when?

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