British women have shorter lifespans and the second worst life expectancy in Europe

‘Drinking about a bottle of wine a week will increase a woman’s lifetime risk of breast cancer by about 10 per cent. But awareness of the general link between alcohol and common cancers is very poorly understood.’

Times of Ahmad | News Watch | UK Desk
Source/Credit: Daily Mail UK
By Stephen Adams | July 22, 2017


British women have shorter lifespans than almost anywhere else in Western Europe, shock new figures reveal.

Female life expectancy in the UK is three years less than in Spain and worse than in poorer countries such as Slovenia and recession-hit Greece, according to a report from Public Health England. Only Denmark has a worse record.

[E]xperts warned that binge-drinking and smoking – epitomised by Joanna Lumley’s Patsy in Absolutely Fabulous – along with overeating, meant many British women were consigning themselves to an early grave.
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