As if pro-am motormouth Katie Hopkins were not in deep enough doo-doo already, with the patience of Mail Online long having run out, her contract not being renewed when it comes up, probably in November, and her latest article for the site having been pulled in controversial circumstances, her latest adventure has turned out to be a campaign that has progressed not necessarily to her advantage.
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Hatey Katie had travelled to the Sicilian port of Catania to join a ship called the C-Star, which had been chartered by a motley convocation of Nazis, white supremacists and sundry hangers-on under the banner of Defend Europe. They would patrol the Mediterranean Sea and tell the world about how countries like Italy were just inviting in thousands of Scary Muslims (tm), when they should be sent back. Somewhere.
So it was that she told her adoring Twitter followers “Looking forward to meeting the crew of the C-star in Catania tomorrow. Setting out to defend the Med. All this week @MailOnline”. But then the problems started, mainly because she was caught lying. “Good to spend time with the crew of @SavetheChildren yesterday, getting themselves ship shape for their next mission” she Tweeted. She had spent no time with them. At all.
It got worse: soon after Tweeting “Suddenly I am backstage, behind the agreed lines. And I wonder, are these children really being saved at all?” and giving a link to a Mail Online piece, her article was pulled, this being picked up on by the HuffPost. And now has come even worse news for Ms Hopkins: her ship has been nicked.
Hope Not Hate has the story: “Defend Europe's ship, the C-Star, has been stopped in Port Suez after its captain could not present a satisfactory crew list, resulting in the ship being ‘arrested’ and forced to anchor”. Whoops! What could have happened?
“Unconfirmed accounts indicate the ship may have been halted in dramatic circumstances, with the navy surrounding the vessel and taking over responsibility”. Oh goody, that will give all the far-right contingent the excuse to play the victim.
There was more: “an employee at the Suez Canal Authority confirmed that the detaining of the ship had nothing with the Canal Authority but rather ‘it was arrested by the security authorities,’ as it was ‘a matter of security due to the lack of documentation and papers’”.
Hope Not Hate reminds readers “Of course, this comes as no great surprise considering the deeply worrying evidence we have produced in the past week, including the criminal past of the ship’s owner and the terrifying prospect of an armed crew being on board being provided by a company that has lost its certification in the UK”. Anyone thinking of joining this dubious enterprise had ample warning. So what of Ms Hopkins?
Oddly, the Hopkins Twitter feed has not been active today. Whether she actually boarded the C-Star is not clear; what is very clear, though, is that if she was on board, and those on board all get nicked, she could find herself in a most inhospitable penal environment in very short order. And most likely not occupying a single en-suite cell.
Will Mail Online wait until November? Katie Hopkins is no longer worth their candle.
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