“Our belief is that Islam requires everyone to be loyal to the state under which he lives…Loyalty to a Government or State, according to us, is ordained by the Holy Qur’an and the Qur’an is the Book of God…"
Times of Ahmad | News Watch | US Desk
Source/Credit: BeliefNet / AMYA
By Dhul Waqar Alhaj Yaqub | July 4th 2017
As an Ahmadi Muslim I can say, “Happy Independence Day America” and really mean it. My patriotic realization wasn’t something that happened suddenly, but was gradual with deliberate reservations.
We grew up celebrating the 4th of July like everyone else in the neighborhood. It was the barbecue, homemade ice cream, fireworks, family get together and a day off work. If we were lucky, we would go to the amusement park. I vaguely remember the 4th of July as a holiday relating to America’s independence. At the most, perhaps on a test in school, we had to recall “July 4, 1776” as an important date concerning the adoption of a “Declaration of Independence” document. The long and short of the 4th of July was this: fireworks yes, but singing the Star-Spangled Banner “no way”, a common sentiment in the African-American community.
During my service in the military, the 4th of July wasn’t much different. Saluting the flag was a daily routine, but not associated with celebrating Independence Day…even on the 4th of July. The “4th” was a day off work and an all day round robin of Bid Whist.
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