by Andy Nowicki

I try to keep a keen eye on the passing pop culture scene, but somehow, this commercial slipped under my radar screen. It seems that it was first put out in January, but I didn't run across it under just now.

And frankly, I'm still rubbing our eyes, doubting that I could actually have seen what I actually just saw.

Of course, we live in a time when the formerly unthinkable is commonly rendered as commonplace, and common sense is just as commonly sneered at by the cultural commissariat as small-minded bigotry. But pushback is a bitch, and an increasingly vocal segment of the population is refusing to stay silent out of fear of being called nasty names by our would-be rulers.

But this ad... well, as you can see, it's difficult to imagine how they imagined folks would have taken it... No doubt they thought they were being "edgy," while at the same time pandering to their customer base.

To summarize, the advert, which is from some high-end women's shoe company, broadcasts the message that "equal pay is not enough." Not only does the commercial further the discredited "pay gap" canard, it portrays women behaving unconscionably, without even doing much to try to justify their hateful, violent, and unprovoked acts of violence against men.

A trio of successful, attractive women are shown getting angry in their tony workplaces. After all, as the narrator tells us, their haircuts are expensive! Their clothes are expensive! Men don't know what it's like to try to find that perfect pair of shoes to match that perfect outfit... No, it costs a ton for women to live that high life that they so obviously deserve and desire, therefore they should demand HIGHER pay!

So far, so eye-rollingly obnoxious. However, the imagery which accompanies this message is the kicker. The women in the ad get violent. One kicks a hot cup of coffee into her boss's face (which would surely disfigure and perhaps permanently scald him, though we never see this result). Another stomps on the hood of some random "rich" guy's car, shattering his windshield. Another flings a high-heel shoe into the glass outside of his office. All of the incensed ladies scream with full-throated rage as they commit their crimes of vandalism and assault... and it's all supposed to be seen as so incredibly cool and righteous!

So egregious is this commercial in its glorification of female violence for the most ridiculous and asinine of reasons, that the viewer is almost left to wonder if it could be some kind of psy-op in the making... How can a man watching this ad, in which psycopathically entitled bitches go on an unprovoked misandric rampage, and NOT find himself entertaining misogynistic thoughts?

Could the further driving of a wedge between the sexes, in order to further the in fact, be the ultimate goal of this sinister advert, beyond the mere selling of shoes to wealthy women?

Andy Nowicki, assistant editor of Alternative Right, is the author of eight books, including Under the NihilThe Columbine PilgrimConsidering Suicide, and Beauty and the Least. He occasionally updates his blog when the spirit moves him to do so. Visit his Soundcloud page. His author page is Alt Right Novelist.

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