In addition to the Meriden's City Council representatives, several speakers representing Judaism, Buddhism, Christianity, and True Islam with make their presentations.
Times of Ahmad | News Watch | US Desk
Source/Credit: AMJ Meriden
By Statement | September 13, 2017
The Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Association CT will host a seminar entitled 'An Interfaith Perspective on Equality' on Saturday, September 16th, from 2 - 4 PM, at the Ahmadiyya Baitul Aman "House of Peace" Mosque in South Meriden.
"Amid heightened discrimination plaguing our time, leaders from diverse faiths will unify to propel equality and equity through dignified dialogue and peaceful action," an email distributed by the community stated.
The email boosted the event as an "eye-opening perspectives on our collective human struggle for fairness and how to honorably combat racial inequality"
In addition to the Meriden's City Council representatives, several speakers representing Judaism, Buddhism, Christianity, and True Islam with make their presentations.
Attendees will have an opportunity to ask questions during an interactive Q & A session with the panel, the community said.
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