"The Easter Resurrection story is a hoax, concocted by St. Paul to mislead the Jews into believing Jesus was a false Messiah. How? By misrepresenting his survival of the crucifixion ordeal as an accursed death and resurrection,” says author Syed M. S. Nasser.
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By Statement | April 14, 2017
Who Founded Christianity? New book "Paul & the Pharisee Conspiracy Against Jesus" claims St. Paul concocted Christianity to misrepresent Jesus
LONDON, April 14, 2017 - Paul & The Pharisee Conspiracy Against Jesus by Syed M.S. Nasser, claims that St. Paul, not Jesus, was Christianity’s real founder. Drawing on sources both from the New Testament and from 1st century secular histories, Nasser claims that St. Paul, posing as a follower of Jesus, maliciously concocted Christian doctrines to misrepresent Jesus as an apostate.
Historical records show that St. Paul misrepresented Jesus' survival of the crucifixion ordeal as his death and resurrection. Why? So Jesus could be regarded as “accursed of God” in accordance with the Old Testament declaration (Deut 21:23). His goal? To turn orthodox Jews away from accepting Jesus as the Jewish Messianic Prophet.
When Jesus’ apostles found out that St. Paul had been propagating doctrines contrary to Jesus' teachings, they called on St. Paul to demonstrate public repentance of his corruptions (Acts 21:22). Before St. Paul could complete his rituals, he was mobbed in the Temple by followers of Jesus from Asia (Acts 21:28), who, having received his heretical doctrines through his epistles (Galatians), regarded him as a perverter of Jesus' teachings. Nasser shows how St. Paul subsequently renounced Jesus in his trials (Acts 24-26), and how 1st Centurysecular Jewish histories further suggest that St. Paul returned to being a Pharisee.
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