"I had a class fellow who was a good friend but wouldn't sit next to me in the canteen. Our neighbours of 15 years never replied when we greeted them."
Times of Ahmad | News Watch | UK Desk
Source/Credit: Oldham Evening Chronicles
By Iram Ramzan | 25 April 2017
COME rain or shine, Laiq Khan and his team of around 50 youths from the Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Association's North-West branch will be out in the streets of Oldham and doing their bit for their local community.
Whether it is cleaning Oldham town centre on a wet New Year's Day, helping plant trees, or donating to the local food bank, Ahmadi Muslims in the borough take pride in knowing they are doing good work.
While some of them were born and brought up here, others are now living safely and comfortably after fleeing persecution in their native Pakistan.
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