As Zelo Street revealed yesterday, the convocation of the irredeemably batshit otherwise known as Breitbart London had latched on to an advertisement for an intern at the ITV Sunday politics show Peston On Sunday. As this was being advertised via Creative Access, which works to increase BAME representation in the creative industries, it was open only to non-white British citizens. The Breitbarts didn’t like that one bit.
So it was that Jack Montgomery, who claims to be a journalist, failed to take the strong hint I gave him - that, as the advert was for an intern, there was no job on offer, Equality Act provisions therefore did not apply, and in any case this had been done to death last year by the Murdoch Sun, who had used a similar situation to attack the BBC - and brought forth “Whites Need Not Apply - ‘Racist’ Hiring Policy At ITV’s Peston On Sunday Show”.
There was no racism, and indeed, no hiring, but Montgomery had his instructions, and so off he went. The combination of fiction and fantasy was evident from the word go.
“ITV has been accused of ‘racism’ by furious social media users … Social media users soon realised that Creative Access, the company tasked with placing the intern, was excluding candidates based on race”. The only social media user shown was Himself.
On he went. “Of the hundreds of social media users who responded angrily to Peston, many expressed disbelief that ITV’s hiring policy was legal”. No-one was being hired. “Government guidance suggests that”. Those guidelines do not apply to internships.
Try again: “it has been open to employers to hire Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) job applicants over equally qualified white applicants under so-called ‘positive action‘ under certain circumstances”. Those circumstances do not apply here, as there is no hiring. Not sinking in, is it? Have another go.
“But these provisions did not allow companies to entirely exclude white people from the applications process, as Creative Access have done, advising that their hiring process”. Creative Access are not engaged in a hiring process. It’s an internship. It therefore qualifies as training. There is no job being offered.
Still Montgomery digs himself deeper. “Instead, their exclusion of white people seems to rely on their status as a so-called ‘Community Interest Company’”. Ah, now we get the use of “seems”. That’s because the batshit Breitbarts can’t stand this one up. And it’s wrong again. As I have said more than once, it’s an internship. It can therefore be aimed specifically at those from a BAME background.
And still Montgomery persists with his fiction: “Banning white people from applying for certain jobs in order to achieve better ‘representation’ has become controversial for practical, as well as moral and ethical, reasons in recent years”. There is no job, therefore there is no ban. We went over this with the Sun attack on the Beeb last year.
Breitbart, though, succeeds in its endeavour - which is nothing less than stirring up the White Right by pretending the brown and black people are getting something they aren’t. Montgomery should apologise and pull this ridiculous article. But he isn’t big enough.
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