The Raptor has been out and about with his bridge camera over the past few days and sends us this picture of an Estate bull enjoying the mud in one of the fields along Pier Road.
The Raptor has been spending time during the late evening at Mingary Pier where, along with many of us, he's been admiring the smart new luminous wind sock that CalMac has erected on a mast at the end of the pier.
One usually associates wind socks with airports catering for light 'planes and helicopters.
Below the pier the Raptor spotted what he describes as, "the largest sea urchin I've ever seen. It must have been a good eight to ten inches across."
The reason the Raptor has been out in the gathering darkness is that he's been watching this bird fishing off the pier - but until yesterday it refused to come close enough for him to get a good picture.
It took some patience, and several visits, before he was able to write, "At last I've managed to capture a half decent picture of the red throated diver."
Many thanks to the Raptor for the pictures.
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