Andy Nowicki’s ‘Conspiracy, Compliance, Control and Defiance’: the Culturist Review

Andy Nowicki’s, ‘Conspiracy, Compliance, Control and Defiance,’ belongs in the 19th century.  And, as the author of two biographies of 19th century luminaries (Frances Kellor and Matthew Arnold), my saying someone belongs in the 19th century is a tremendous compliment.

The key to appreciating 19th century writing, (as conveyed by the priceless writing manual, ‘It was the Best of Sentences, it was the Worst of Sentences'), is to ‘write long sentences.’  This advice has freed me to, (occasionally), use clauses to achieve a sing-song, conversational style of writing, that Nowicki – like his 19th century forbearers – has mastered.   

Enjoy this sentence by Nowicki, (which describes our ‘reptilian’ overlords):

“Their lusts predominate, unconstrained by appeals to morality, reality, or restraint; the only thing that keeps them in line is their wily cunning; indeed, absent the sneaky prudence of their conniving craftiness (that which bids them to bide their time in order to achieve the best results), they would abandon themselves to an orgy of sheer, unbridled concupiscence.”

That is just one of many beautiful, long sentences that, in and of themselves, will justify your purchase of Nowicki’s inexpensive, short book.

One more point of praise prior to offering some criticisms:  As per the sentence highlighted above, 19th century authors did not shy from vague pronouncements of large truths; a bold, partially praise-worthy, tendency which contrasts favorably with the trite, limited (though exact) scope the rise of scientism has encouraged.

And, it is in this vein that we can best appreciate Nowicki’s wide-ranging, ambitious look into how our psychological characteristics make us vulnerable to manipulation by elites.  The pride, melancholia, folly, self-deceit, trauma born of molestation, desires and disappointments, he considers, do undoubtedly get played upon by the elite “reptilian” sociopaths who dupe us sheep.  And, Nowicki’s considering the psychological state of our manipulators also has merit.

Now the criticism:

The only two concrete examples Nowicki offers us are ‘9/11’ and ‘Sandy Hook.’   9/11 was used to justify horrible wars.  But, if our manipulators are so diabolically clever, they didn’t get much out of Sandy Hook.  Furthermore, these examples are old.  Obama’s ‘social justice’ narrative is a more pervasive, on-going and current means of psy-op style control.

An up-to-date sweep of the culturist literature would also have enhanced Nowicki’s introspective mode of analysis.  We can push a pro-Western narrative via institutions, laws and meme theory, using r/K and bio-cultural group selection findings. And, science has quantified 5 personality traits that parallel Nowicki’s mental states.  As culturism is a science, (as well as an art), it behooves us to utilize that science.

This book does not supply the readily usable solutions to our current culturist problems that I hoped it might.  But, pleasantly, it does offer a spectacularly well-written, fun, impressionistic look into how the modern psyche leaves us open to manipulation by the elite.  If you – as I do – love such 19th century-style inquiries, I highly recommend you buy Nowicki’s short, affordable book. 

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