"Let's be there to welcome Osbourne on his first day on the job" they said.
It was billed as a 'United Taxi Trade' demonstration. The largest trade org, the LTDA emailed all of its 10,000 members. As did other orgs. Support was posted online by all other orgs and unions.
In truth, if the militant members of the Independent Taxi Alliance and Dads Defending Daughters members hadn't shown up en masse with their signature placards, there would have been no demonstration.
A spokes person for the ITA said :
"We marched from the All Nations Taxi shelter, to Northcliffe House, down the middle of the road.
Placards waving high.
"As we turned into Derry Street, there was an ITN crew with camera on a tripod, London Tonight, three or four sets of reporters, with photographers ...
... but no LTDA, except a lone Steve McNamara, not a sniff of the UCG, no RMT members or committee turned up.
But Peter Rose (Unite) did pop in late, to show his face.
"Only the ITA -a mixture of Org and non Org proactive drivers- the same ol' faces, marched left into an empty Derry Street.
"Mc must've breathed a huge sigh of relief, as his blushes and sheer embarrassment was saved by the DDD/ITA boys and girls.
"What the hell would've happened had the ITA not turned up?
"I don't think Trev or Steve will be harping on about "Hijackers." or "Placards." ever again.
"I'd estimate around 250, maybe 300 of the usual suspects brought some dignity back to our piss poor trade of sleepers and shirkers.
"Steve McNamara can thank his lucky stars that the ITA, a group he claims to have never heard of, saved him from facing the press on his own.
"Guy Adams, the Daily Mail reporter who broke our stories in his paper, came down to see us.
"As he came down he spotted Grant Davis Chair of the LCDC.
Grant proceeded to introduce us.
Guy did not recognise Steve. And Steve didn't know Guy from Adam.
"So all that tosh about LTDA and UCG putting the Daily Mail onto those Taxi scoops, was finally put to bed.
"It's Charlie Crocker (Chris) and Tootles (Mark) who deserve the plaudits.
"No doubt Steve Mc and Co will claim we were their members. But those of us who are in the broil, demo in demo out, know the truth.
"Another resounding success for the trade and the DDD/ITA.
One day we might fail, but not so far".
Editorial Comment :
This is the first demo in years that's been in the national press and on all TV news channels....and 99% of the trade couldn't be bothered to turn up.
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