Around 250 runners from Bremen and surroundings started at the 6th "Charity Walk & Run" on Sunday - and have done something for their health and a good cause.
Times of Ahmad | News Watch | UK Desk
Source/Credit: Weser-Kurier
By Antje Stürmann | August 13, 2017
They did something for their health and for a good cause: Around 250 runners from Bremen participated in the 6th "Charity Walk & Run" on Sunday. The event was organized by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth organization. The collected funds of 3800 euros are to be donated to Kinderhospiz Löwenherz and the international humanitarian aid organization Humanity First.
The five and ten kilometer long runs led the runners from the market square to the Osterdeich, thereforward along the Weser and back to the inner city.
According to the organizers, the participants were mainly hobby athletes, but also some professionals from clubs and numerous children also participated. The participating formats were running, walking and Nordic walking. The results can be viewed from Monday on at the Internet at
The Bremen race is part of a series of events organized by Ahmadiyya Muslim in 16 German cities. In past years, the organizers have already donated EUR 300,000 to child-care facilities.
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