Greenbadgejohn writes in reply to 'Drivers Held To Ransom By Greedy Card Machine Suppliers'.

Greenbadgejohn writes in reply to 'Drivers Held To Ransom By Greedy Card Machine Suppliers. 

On Sunday my son celebrated his birthday and I went along to the new Bang Bang Oriental food hall recently opened in Colindale besides the New Morrisons.

Not withstanding the fact of how enjoyable the experience was.... it really is a nice place to casually eat with a huge indoor oblong area of food vendors of every variery but one massive point to make.... 95% of them had Signs on their counter stating either "Sorry no credit cards" or "No credit cards today" or "Minimum card Payment is £10"

Every one of these vendors are Licensed in one way or another by a variety of bodies such as Local Authority food standards or council registration, Just as every Public house in the country must have Licensing, but not single one suffers the licensing cajolery or inveiglement we all do as self employed business's can you imagine how any interference or threats of closure by any authority would be met by Mandatory compulsions? I have always asked the question as to what the hell it has to do with TFL.

TFL has third party unpaid advertising in my cab against my wishes, and whilst I truly feel Card payments are a benefit these days, normal and fair minimum spend limits should apply by the vendor (me) to reduce the time and clear abuse taken by passengers who try & retry a variety of cards for amounts less than £5 which effectively takes longer than the journey time took and causes delays for surrounding traffic and road users and refusal to accept card payments from inebriated persons who find it too difficult to operate card machines.

TFL should make it public information as to who they use for cashless card processing and how much they are charged in % terms for their business?

We are in the situation we are in because TFL have forcibly compelled taxis to accept Card Payment, We should have the same rates access to the usage criteria TFL has as It is absolutely certain there are huge variations between Oxford Circus's takings which clearly are a universe away from Fairlop Station's takings and which both Stations are on the same Central line System.

As to why trade bodies allowed so much ambiguity into taxi Card processing procedures is a serious concern, but to now find companies coercing drivers into unfair contractual obligations or withdrawing leaving vehicles non compliant is nothing short of a scandal and reminds me of the Van AAken take the money and run debacle of years gone by and which yet again only goes to show how under the auspices of TFL big business's can steam roller the London Taxi Trade and freely escape leaving us to count costs.

Be Lucky,

greenbadgejohn (on twitter)

Taxi Leaks Extra: 
We can confirm that the card machine supplier who have written to drivers demanding return of equipment for low usage is in fact Taxi World.  

Not a good move for a company trying to promote the new Arro dispatch system to the trade. 

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