Study by the Pew Research Centre showed Malaysia continues to strictly control religious practices, with an annual study grouping it together with other Muslim-majority countries practising “very high” restrictions, such as Saudi Arabia, Brunei, and Turkey.
A government ordered anti-Ahmadiyya sign has long been erected in front of the Ahmadiyya mosque. |
Source/Credit: The Malay Mail Online
By Malay Mail Online | August 8, 2017
The Sabah state fatwa council has today banned 16 “deviant teachings”, which not only included hardliners Hizbut Tahrir and the minority Shiites and Ahmadis, but also “liberalism” and “pluralism”.
Assistant minister in the Chief Minister’s Department Datuk Mohd Ariffin Arif said the 16 teachings were decreed to be against the Sunni denomination of Islam.
“Those that are banned are the teachings of Qadiani, Al-Arqam, Hizbut Tahrir, Millah Abraham, Shiah, Tal Tujuh, Tarikat Hasaniah, Tariqat Naqsyabandiah al Aliyah, Nasrul Haq, Zikir Hasan Riimau, Awang Rezki, liberalism and pluralism,” he said in the Sabah legislative assembly today.
Shiah is the second largest Muslim denomination in the world after Sunni. Qadiani is the derogatory name for Ahmadiyya, a minority Muslim movement which is considered heretics by mainstream Muslims, and declared “deviants” in Selangor.
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