....into more open scenery. The long ridge in the distance is Beinn nan Ord, but in crossing the marshy area to the right....
....we came across the season's first sundews, both the common or round-leaved sundew and....
....one of the sundews with much longer leaves, either Drosera anglica or D. intermedia.
Beyond the marshy area the land rises to a series of small, rocky ridges from which there are views southeastwards, to Beinn na Seilg....
....southwestwards, across the woodland which on the OS map is called Garbh-dhail and the meandering Allt Garbh-dhail to the long ridge of Beinn nan Ord, and....
....northwestwards, towards Beinn Bhuidhe. We could have walked in any direction - this is one of the great wildernesses of Ardnamurchan - but we followed this ridge, which rose and fell until....
....as the sun came out, we reached Achosnich. We sat on a rock here and admired yet more views, this one looking across the township to Eigg, Rum and Muck and....
....this one, looking back to Sonachan Hotel and to Ben Hiant in the distance.
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