Blast from the past, from the man tipped by many to overthrow Theresa May.:
Does the arrogance of Tories know no bounds?
Video has emerged of then-London Mayor Boris Johnson defending his cuts to fire services in London before a fire-safety panel of London Assembly Members.
When challenged to explain how cutting fire stations, firefighter positions, fire safety officers could possibly not put the lives of London residents at risk, Johnson at first tries to defend the indefensible by simply asserting that his recklessness works and improvessafety.
Then, when challenged further, he tells a Labour AM,
Oh get stuffed.
Johnson was warned from all sides. The Tories were warned from all sides. They now have the deaths and terrible injuries of innocent people on their hands.
And it seems they don’t care a toss.
This is the same Mayor who told a London Cabby to "F@@k off and die, but not in that order"
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