That literature’s publication and distribution was all linked to the Saudi Arabian government, and many of the mosques were Saudi-run.
Times of Ahmad | News Watch | UK Desk
Source/Credit: The Independent UK
By Damir Rafi | June 6, 2017
The answer to preventing extremism is encouraging real education about Islam from a young age, and focusing on the Saudi-funded Wahhabi mosques where some literature promotes dangerous ideals
I am the same age as Salman Abedi, the Manchester suicide bomber, and almost the same age as the recently named London Bridge terrorists; I also profess to be of the same faith. Thankfully, these are the only two things we have in common. As well as studying medicine at university, I currently serve as the president of the UK Ahmadiyya Muslim Students Association. I spend a lot of my time working to organise interfaith dialogues and peace conferences. So how exactly did we turn out so different? And could knowing the answer to this help reduce the numbers of young people being brainwashed into extremism?
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