Zero Hours Student IS STINKING RICH

Thursday’s Question Time special featured questions from several audience members to both Theresa May and Jeremy Corbyn. One directed at the Labour leader was on the subject of zero hours contracts, from a young man who described himself as a student. He was concerned that scrapping zero hours contracts would somehow impoverish him. But some of those watching took one look at him and smelt a rat.
Dimbleby Major quizzes Corbyn - Ed Robbins looks on

The £150 Ralph Lauren top did not suggest that he was on his uppers, and one enterprising Twitter user duly rummaged around and found rather more about the questioner, which suggested likewise, commenting “‘I need my zero hours contract to buy food, Jeremy will starve me’. if he really was desperate to buy food why not sell one of his tuxedos?Zelo Street was duly tipped off as to his true identity.
Hello, he's been rumbled

The student pleading to obtain more zero hours contracts is called Edward Robbins, or Ed Robbins to his friends. He had a schooling which, like the upmarket wardrobe, suggests he is not going to be down to his last tin of beans any time soon.
Ed Robbins slums it round the world ...

For starters, Ed Robins went to the exclusive Winterfold House prep school, following in the footsteps of elder brother Nick, leaving in 2010, and moving up to Cheltenham College, another exclusive independent school, where he was a member of Leconfield House, which consists entirely of boarders. During the 2014-15 academic year, he again followed in the footsteps of his elder brother by being made Head Boy.
... at exclusive Cheltenham College ...

A family putting two brothers through exclusive prep school and secondary school will have needed some serious money to do so. Yet more of the folding stuff would have been required for Ed to go off on what I understand was a world tour gap year after finishing at Cheltenham College. And yet more dosh would have to have been splurged on earlier skiing trips to Cime de Caron in France and upmarket Villars in Switzerland.
... at upmarket Cime de Caron ...

Elsewhere, Robbins’ Twitter feed suggests he has also found time in his busy schedule to visit Dubai - just to cross it off the bucket list, you understand - and the available memorabilia from his time at Cheltenham College shows he has also seen at least a few excerpts from Life of Brian (“what has College ever done for us?”). Note that Cheltenham Collage is just “College” to former students, as Eton College is just “School”.
... and exclusive, posh Villars

Edward Robbins is very much one of the 5%, and he hasn’t even finished University yet (well, that world tour gap year has to take precedence, dontcha know). The idea he is going to become impoverished by a change in Government at Westminster is total and utter baloney. He and his family have no need to put silver spoons in their mouths: they would be able to hire chaps to do that sort of thing for them.

Once again, someone trying to be ordinary when they are anything but has been caught bang to rights.  And once again, they get caught partly because what they think is ordinary marks them out as folk with too much brass for their own good. Another phoney rumbled.

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1 Response to "Zero Hours Student IS STINKING RICH"

  1. This is so unnecessarily nasty and I don't even know the guy.
