BAE Systems worked with a Danish cyber-security company to create Orwellian mass surveillance technology that led to the mass imprisonment of activists involved in organising popular uprisings, says the BBC.
Times of Ahmad | News Watch | UK Desk
Source/Credit: The New Arab
By Staff Report | June 15, 2017
The UK-based arms manufacturer, BAE systems, sold mass surveillance technology to repressive Arab states that was used to crush the Arab Spring popular uprising, an investigation has revealed.
BAE first sold the technology to Tunisian ex-dictator, Ben Ali, who used it monitor his opponents and imprison them without trial, an extensive BBC investigation reported on Wednesday.
"[It] works with keywords. You put in an opponent's name and you will see all the sites, blogs, social networks related to that user," said one former Tunisian security officer.
ETI also made exports to Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Qatar, Oman, Morocco and Algeria.
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