These figures represent an increase on the previous two years. In 2015, 89 prosecutions led to 79 punishments (including four jail sentences); in 2014, 65 prosecutions led to 56 fines.
Anti-Jehovah's Witnesses Billboard in Russia |
Source/Credit: Forum 18 New
By Victoria Arnold | June 19, 2017
Administrative prosecutions for religious literature and videos deemed "extremist" (all Jehovah's Witness or Muslim) rose between 2015 and 2016. Across Russia 103 defendants were punished, including one man's 13-day jail term and a Jehovah's Witness congregation's 45-day suspension. Prosecutions led to a mosque being liquidated.
A total of 123 individuals and organisations across Russia are known to have been brought to court in 2016 for the so-called "mass distribution" of religious literature and other items deemed to be "extremist", Forum 18 has found. None of this material appears to incite the violation of human rights, violence or hatred. Of this total, 103 defendants ended up with punishments, including a 13-day jail sentence for one man who shared a video on social media, and a 45-day suspension of activity for a Jehovah's Witness congregation in Voronezh.
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